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Saturday, July 16, 2011


Really? That Many of My Colleagues are using Social Media in their Teaching?

There is a very interesting infographic making the rounds on how many college and university faculty are using social media personally and professionally.
Personally, I find it a bit hard to believe that the numbers are that high.  And, unfortunately, the source of the data, while indicated, cannot be inspected!

I think it depends on how one defines social media.  Is using material (text or graphics) from Wikipedia considers using social media?  Is signing up for a Facebook or Twitter account, but never really using it, considered having used social media?  

If yes, then OK, I can see the high numbers.  But I know so many people who have signed up for social media sites, but never use them.  Although, I do admit that they may use their accounts some day -- maybe after they retire?

I also agree that a lot more faculty use social media (especially Facebook) for personal reasons that for teaching or work.  I think the difference is higher than the numbers indicated in this chart.

Anyway, I could be wrong in my skepticism, which is based on my own colleagues. And I think I will be wrong, eventually -- probably much sooner than later.  My own guess is that these numbers will be more believable among my colleagues in about 2 to 3 years.
Until then, the infographic still makes for some interesting considerations....

Reading professors like an open facebook, or how teachers use social media

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